What are the benefits of good fitness during peri-menopause?

During peri-menopause, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body begin to fluctuate and eventually decrease, leading to a number of physical and emotional changes. Exercise can help to mitigate many of the symptoms associated with this stage of life, including:

  1. Hot flashes and night sweats: Exercise has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

  2. Weight gain: The hormonal changes that occur during peri-menopause can lead to weight gain, especially around the abdomen. Regular exercise can help to prevent this by increasing muscle mass and burning calories.

  3. Bone loss: As women age, they are at increased risk for osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle. Exercise, particularly weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, and weightlifting, can help to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Insomnia: Sleep disturbances are common during peri-menopause. Regular exercise, when done at the right time of day, can help improve the quality of sleep.

  5. Mood swings: The hormonal changes that occur during peri-menopause can lead to mood swings and feelings of depression. Exercise can help to boost mood by releasing endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

  6. Brain health: Peri-menopause stage is also known to cause Cognitive decline, regular exercise has been shown to improve brain function, particularly in the areas of memory and learning.


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